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Wednesday, October 12, 201112:00 PM

Lunch date in a while, enough time to blog a little about what has been happening in my life. Been pretty occupied with studying for Mid Terms, they suck, it is really like A Levels Round 2. But it's ok, I've great people around me to last through this thing with me. Just thinking about my December holidays. It's pretty much packed, which I think I deserve it.

School Blues
Sunday, September 11, 201110:00 PM
While waiting for my sister to get out of the bathroom, which I approximate to be at least half an hour, I came to blog. Haven't been blogging for an amazingly long time. Why? Because school's being a total bitch. Not including the depression I suffered when I have to go back to hall on Sunday nights. But I'm a super duper hyper bitch on Fridays. It's like if you ask me to lend you $50, I will without hesitating, because I'm happy. Haha kidding, don't make use of my forgetfulness. (It's proven that I forgot who I lent my money to.)
So honestly speaking, it's pretty stressed out there in this place in Jurong West called NTU. It's annoyingly far away from my home sweet home. And trust me, the west sucks. Sucks 10000x more than the vacuum cleaner you have. It sucks away your time and your life, which pretty much is almost everything that makes up my life. People there are there for a reason. They're smart, they know how to study efficiently, they have self-discipline, they manage stress real well. Which I can't figure out why I ended up there. But, that's not the point. It's how I am going to pull myself together now. I think I just need some more time to adapt. After all, it's only been a month, 3 more years and 11 months to go.

Hall life was exciting, ok, maybe IS still exciting and happening. But sometimes, it takes up too much of your energy as well. You know you have to graduate with a nice degree, not an extended list of participation events. So I play the disappearing game with my hall people sometimes. I hope they understand. But it's always nice to see them, even if it's just dinner. My hall people are quite an enjoyable bunch. I wouldn't want to change hall, despite the lack of man-made cool air.

@hweehuishia Omg, I keep telling myself I have to blog about this person since the very first letter I typed in this post. It's my beloved BFF. I'm missing her so much. School has some how divided us apart, she has been crashing on her Java course,and mugging alot now, while I'm busy with my Biology catching up. Sometimes, we don't even Whatsapp for a day and I feel sad already. But, we're still strong, we're still strong!! IMY!

@yitingkoh And Butt too! Wonder how she is doing now? I know she has been planning her uni routes, which I am so excited for her. She may end up in the same sch as me! Then that would be totally smashing awesome! If she goes overseas, I will have an excuse to go visit her. Whatever choice she makes, I will support her for sure.

Camps fever
Thursday, July 28, 201110:02 PM

The last post is about the getaway with Hwee. It's about time I updated this space ya? Haha sch's starting soon. Having a love hate relationship with sch. Fun and friends yes, studying maybe a little reluctant. But where can life leads us to if people like us don't study? Camps fever- SBS Camp was some awesome shit. Met alot of new friends who are even so enthu on FB aft the camp, helping one another with electives and stuff. Next camp in a few days' time, my room mate's MIA for too long lol. Hwee has been missing for too long too. My phone has been too quiet and inactive recently. Only achievement is that my Tiny Tower is realllly high now haha. Confirm win Wq alrdy lol. OK, actually I'm quite excited to move into the hostel haha.

Mini getaway
Monday, May 30, 20119:42 PM

Going on a weekend vacation with my best friend definitely makes a weekend seem much better. I promise we will go backpacking in all kinds of places in future. And I will be a much prepared companion (Bringing own camera, and a waterproof one). The most angriest part of the trip is not getting to shop due to the stupid flight timing. Can you believe I didn't buy anything AT ALL even if the running shoes are like 100$ for a real nice pair, and a damn phone pouch is 50 cents. KILL ME PLS. MY FACE BLACK ALL THE WAY MAN. But seeing Hwee got lots of her loots make me happy already. So it's ok. Chill. The funniest part is when you hear my uncle speaking in Chinese-Canto-English all chapalang together in a PHRASE. Phrase, not sentence ok. Cannot tahan, laugh like some crazy nuts. Btw, he does the chicken flapping wings action and say Quack quack. What in the world. He claimed that his teacher taught him chickens quack. Ultimate -.- Most annoying part is Hwee always giving me surprise jumps on me when in bed!!! But she got ready positions, so I always avoid her and her ____ body lands with a thud on the bed. Thank god the bed steady enough.

Photos probably soon!

Saturday, May 7, 201110:38 AM
Today starts well. With daddy not going to work always feels good, both out or at home. Going for Mother's Day dinner later at Casa Verde. Excited, good ambiance and good food. I have nth to blog about because there is nothing much worrying/ blog worthy enough? But still, life's fine.
- Need to arrange another date with Hwee, BADLY
- Have to keep reminding myself Btt is next month
- Stop drinking too much Ice Milo @ work lol

Everyone is born bisexual
Monday, April 18, 20119:46 PM

Ytd night I watched The War Boys in bed. I can only say it's darn good, both sexually (The gay scenes) and the storyline. A bit of brotherhood and the mistakes that some teens can make and when they grow old, they will advise their kids not to repeat the same mistake. It's like there is a moral at the end of the story.

I wish gay movies can be made more open in Sg. Like in cinemas.

Some ppl still cringe and judge when they hear their friends watch gay movies. I'm glad at least my friends don't.

But I still pause the movie when my sister comes into the room haha.

I need a constant supply of gay movies. Anybody?

Wednesday, April 13, 201112:11 PM
Never had such a peaceful afternoon with me surfing the net and listening to my fave tunes...life's good, for now. Been spending more time with my fave ppl and family, because work's out for a week or so. Probably waiting for a phone call for a new job environment, and of course, pestering my father to check the mailbox eveyday to see if there is any letters from the Uni. But so far....no luck yet? :( I'm starting to get a little worried as the days go by...

Today shall be me lazing at home and watch movies day, and updating my music playlist, and checking out tumblr. And of course, kajiaoing Hwee haha. <3
I see the passion in your eyes

Hi, my name is Luyen. 23 May 1992. Learning to explore life and realizing my own goals in life. Wanting to migrate someday.

You'd tell me this was love

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Credits and Info's
You go and save the best for last

This layout is made by SherRhie and icon gotten from Moonless-Night. Background from Fivepointsapart and image for FOLLOW ME button from Tumblr. Lyrics from the song Save The Best For Last by Vanessa Williams.